| Adc(void) |
 | bool IsEvent(Win::Event& e, int notification) |
 | bool IsFormatSupported(unsigned int samplesPerSec, unsigned int numbChannels, unsigned int bitsResolution) samplesPerSec: 192000, 96000, 48000, 44100, 22050, 11025, ... numbChannels: 1, 2, ... bitsResolution: 8, 16, 24, ...
 | bool IsRecording() |
 | bool Stop() |
 | const wchar_t* Start(unsigned int deviceID, unsigned int samplesPerSec, unsigned int numbChannels, unsigned int bitsResolution, unsigned int bufferSize, Mm::IAudioIn* iaudioIn) deviceID: 0, 1, 2, 3, ... samplesPerSec: 192000, 96000, 48000, 44100, 22050, 11025, ... numbChannels: 1, 2, ... bitsResolution: 8, 16, 24, ... bufferSize: 4096, 8192, 16384, ... If iAudioIs is not nullptr, it will call the functions in the iAudioIn interface If iAudioIn is nullptr, you must derive this class overiding the AudioIn functions of this class
 | double GetBufferDuration() |
 | int GetNumberOfDevices() It returns the number of waveform-audio input devices present in the system Google Microsoft
 | static void GetDevices(vector<WAVEINCAPS >& out_waveInCaps) It returns a vector with the capatilities of waveform-audio input devices
 | virtual ~ Adc(void) |
 | void DeleteBuffers(void) |
 | static bool IsSignDifferent(int x, int y) |
 | static const wchar_t* AddBackMusic(const wchar_t* in_voice, const wchar_t* in_music, const wchar_t* out_filename) |
 | static const wchar_t* ConvertToMono(const wchar_t* in_filename, const wchar_t* out_filename) It converts a stereo wave file to a mono wave file (one channel)
 | static const wchar_t* CopyWaveFile(const wchar_t* in_filename, double startTime, double endTime, const wchar_t* out_filename) It copies a portion of a wave file to another one
 | static const wchar_t* GetComponentTypeText(DWORD componentType) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetErrorText(MMRESULT mmresult) |
 | static const wchar_t* MixWaveFiles(const wchar_t* in_filenameA, const wchar_t* in_filenameB, __int16 rateA, const wchar_t* out_filename) It mixes two wave files rate from 0 to 100. rate = 50 to use the same amplitude in both files
 | static const wchar_t* MixWaveFilesLoop(const wchar_t* in_voice, const wchar_t* in_music, __int16 rateVoice, const wchar_t* out_filename) It mixes two wave files rate from 0 to 100. rate = 50 to use the same amplitude in both files
 | static const wchar_t* NormalizeVolume(const wchar_t* in_filename, const wchar_t* out_filename) It auto adjust the volume of the wave file
 | static const wchar_t* RemoveOffset(const wchar_t* in_filename, const wchar_t* out_filename) It removes the offset of a wave file so that the DC level is zero
 | static const wchar_t* SmoothEndsFile(const wchar_t* in_filename, const wchar_t* out_filename) It adds a smooth start and a smooth end to the wave file
 | static void GetFrequency(LPARAM lParam, unsigned int numbChannels, unsigned int bitsResolution, double& out_channel_1, double& out_channel_2) |
 | static void GetFrequency(LPSTR buffer, unsigned int bufferSize, unsigned int numbChannels, unsigned int bitsResolution, double& out_channel_1, double& out_channel_2) |
 | static void GetMaxLevel(LPARAM lParam, unsigned int numbChannels, unsigned int bitsResolution, int& out_channel_1, int& out_channel_2) 8 bits -> level [0, 127], 16 bits -> level[0 32767]
 | static void GetMaxLevel(LPSTR buffer, unsigned int bufferSize, unsigned int numbChannels, unsigned int bitsResolution, int& out_channel_1, int& out_channel_2) 8 bits -> level [0, 127], 16 bits -> level[0 32767]
 | static void GetMaxLevelFast(LPSTR buffer, unsigned int bufferSize, unsigned int numbChannels, unsigned int bitsResolution, int& out_channel_1, int& out_channel_2) 8 bits -> level [0, 127], 16 bits -> level[0 32767]
 | static void GetPhaseDifference(LPARAM lParam, unsigned int bitsResolution, int& out_differenceCount) It returns the phase difference between channel 1 and channel 2
 | static void GetPhaseDifference(LPSTR buffer, unsigned int bufferSize, unsigned int bitsResolution, int& out_differenceCount) It returns the phase difference between channel 1 and channel 2
 | static void GetRmsLevel(LPARAM lParam, unsigned int numbChannels, unsigned int bitsResolution, double& out_channel_1, double& out_channel_2) |
 | static void GetRmsLevel(LPSTR buffer, unsigned int bufferSize, unsigned int numbChannels, unsigned int bitsResolution, double& out_channel_1, double& out_channel_2) |
 | static void GetZeroCrossings(LPARAM lParam, unsigned int numbChannels, unsigned int bitsResolution, int& out_channel_1, int& out_channel_2) |
 | static void GetZeroCrossings(LPSTR buffer, unsigned int bufferSize, unsigned int numbChannels, unsigned int bitsResolution, int& out_channel_1, int& out_channel_2) |
 | Dac(void) |
 | bool IsEvent(Win::Event& e, int notification) |
 | bool IsFormatSupported(unsigned int samplesPerSec, unsigned int numbChannels, unsigned int bitsResolution) samplesPerSec: 192000, 96000, 48000, 44100, 22050, 11025, ... numbChannels: 1, 2, ... bitsResolution: 8, 16, 24, ...
 | bool IsPlaying() |
 | bool Stop() |
 | const wchar_t* Start(unsigned int deviceID, unsigned int samplesPerSec, unsigned int numbChannels, unsigned int bitsResolution, unsigned int bufferSize, Mm::IAudioOut* iAudioOut) deviceID: 0, 1, 2, 3, ... samplesPerSec: 192000, 96000, 48000, 44100, 22050, 11025, ... numbChannels: 1, 2, ... bitsResolution: 8, 16, 24, ... bufferSize: 4096, 8192, 16384, ... If iAudioOut is not nullptr, it will call the functions in the iAudioIn interface If iAudioOut is nullptr, you must derive this class overiding the AudioOut functions of this class
 | int GetNumberOfDevices() It returns the number of waveform-audio input devices present in the system Google Microsoft
 | static void GetDevices(vector<WAVEOUTCAPS >& out_waveOutCaps) It returns a vector with the capatilities of waveform-audio input devices
 | virtual ~ Dac(void) |
 | void DeleteBuffers(void) |
 | WaveFile(void) |
 | bool IsOpen() const |
 | bool SetReadInitialPosition(double seconds) |
 | const wchar_t* Close() |
 | const wchar_t* OpenForReading(const wchar_t* filename) |
 | const wchar_t* OpenForWritting(unsigned int samplesPerSec, unsigned int numbChannels, unsigned int bitsResolution, const wchar_t* filename) |
 | double ConvertSizeToSeconds(unsigned int bufferSize) It returns the number of seconds that can be stored in the given buffer size
 | double GetFileDurationInSeconds() |
 | double GetRemainingSeconds() |
 | int GetBitsResolution() |
 | int GetNumChannels() |
 | int GetSamplesInBuffer(unsigned int bufferSize) |
 | int GetSamplesPerSecond() |
 | long ReadData(char* buffer, unsigned int bufferSize) The it reads a specified number of bytes from a file opened by using the mmioOpen function It returns the number of bytes actually read. If the end of the file has been reached and no more bytes can be read, the return value is 0. If there is an error reading from the file, the return value is –1. Google Microsoft
 | long ReadLoopData(char* buffer, unsigned int bufferSize) The it reads a specified number of bytes from a file opened by using the mmioOpen function It returns the number of bytes actually read. If the end of the file has been reached it loops the file to begining of file. If there is an error reading from the file, the return value is –1. Google Microsoft
 | long Seek(long offset, int origin) It changes the current file position in a file opened by using the mmioOpen function offset to change the file position. origin: SEEK_CUR (Seeks to offset bytes from the current file position), origin: SEEK_END (Seeks to offset bytes from the end of the file), origin: SEEK_SET (Seeks to offset bytes from the beginning of the file) Google Microsoft
 | long WriteData(const char* buffer, unsigned int bufferSize) |
 | static const wchar_t* GetFileDuration(const wchar_t* filename, double& durationSeconds) |
 | unsigned int ConvertSecondsToSize(double seconds) It returns the buffer size to store a given number of seconds
 | unsigned int GetByteCount() It returs the number of bytes of the file
 | unsigned int GetRemainingByteCount(void) |
 | void GetInfo(unsigned int& bitsResolution, DWORD& samplesPerSec, unsigned short& numbChannels) |
 | ~ WaveFile(void) |
 | HWAVEIN GetHandle() |
 | MMRESULT AddBuffer(LPWAVEHDR pwh) It sends an input buffer to the given waveform-audio input device. When the buffer is filled, the application is notified. Google Microsoft
 | MMRESULT AddBuffer(Mm::WaveBuffer& waveBuffer) It sends an input buffer to the given waveform-audio input device. When the buffer is filled, the application is notified. Google Microsoft
 | MMRESULT Close() It closes the given waveform-audio input device. A MM_WIM_CLOSE message will be sent Google Microsoft
 | MMRESULT Open(unsigned int uDeviceID, LPCWAVEFORMATEX pwfx, DWORD_PTR dwCallback, DWORD_PTR dwInstance, DWORD fdwOpen) It opens the given waveform-audio input device for recording, a MM_WIM_OPEN message will be sent Google Microsoft
 | MMRESULT OpenPCM(HWND hWndParent, unsigned int samplesPerSec, unsigned int numbChannels, unsigned int bitsResolution) It opens the given waveform-audio input device for recording, a MM_WIM_OPEN message will be generated samplesPerSec: 44100, 22050, 11025, ... numbChannels: 1, 2, ... bitsResolution: 8, 16, 24, ... Google Microsoft
 | MMRESULT OpenPCM(unsigned int deviceID, HWND hWndParent, unsigned int samplesPerSec, unsigned int numbChannels, unsigned int bitsResolution) It opens the given waveform-audio input device for recording, a MM_WIM_OPEN message will be generated samplesPerSec: 44100, 22050, 11025, ... numbChannels: 1, 2, ... bitsResolution: 8, 16, 24, ... Google Microsoft
 | MMRESULT PrepareHeader(LPWAVEHDR pwh) It prepares a buffer for waveform-audio input Google Microsoft
 | MMRESULT PrepareHeader(Mm::WaveBuffer& waveBuffer) It prepares a buffer for waveform-audio input Google Microsoft
 | MMRESULT Reset() It stops input on the given waveform-audio input device and resets the current position to zero. All pending buffers are marked as done and returned to the application. Google Microsoft
 | MMRESULT Start() It starts input on the given waveform-audio input device. A MM_WIM_DATA message will be sent Google Microsoft
 | MMRESULT UnprepareHeader(LPWAVEHDR pwh) It cleans up the preparation performed by the waveInPrepareHeader function. This function must be called after the device driver fills a buffer and returns it to the application. You must call this function before freeing the buffer. Google Microsoft
 | WaveIn(void) |
 | bool GetDevCap(WAVEINCAPS& out_waveInCaps) It retrieves the capabilities of a given waveform-audio input device Google Microsoft
 | bool IsOpen() |
 | const wchar_t* GetErrorDescr(MMRESULT mmresult) |
 | virtual ~ WaveIn(void) |
 | void ClearHandle() |
 | void ListLineControls() |
 | MMRESULT Close() It closes the given waveform-audio output device. A MM_WOM_CLOSE message will be sent Google Microsoft
 | MMRESULT GetVolume(LPDWORD pdwVolume) It retrieves the current volume level of the specified waveform-audio output device. Google Microsoft
 | MMRESULT Open(unsigned int uDeviceID, LPCWAVEFORMATEX pwfx, DWORD_PTR dwCallback, DWORD_PTR dwInstance, DWORD fdwOpen) It opens the given waveform-audio output device for playback Google Microsoft
 | MMRESULT OpenPCM(HWND hWndParent, unsigned int samplesPerSec, unsigned int numbChannels, unsigned int bitsResolution) It opens the given waveform-audio output device for playback samplesPerSec: 44100, 22050, 11025, ... numbChannels: 1, 2, ... bitsResolution: 8, 16, 24, ... Google Microsoft
 | MMRESULT OpenPCM(unsigned int deviceID, HWND hWndParent, unsigned int samplesPerSec, unsigned int numbChannels, unsigned int bitsResolution) It opens the given waveform-audio output device for playback samplesPerSec: 44100, 22050, 11025, ... numbChannels: 1, 2, ... bitsResolution: 8, 16, 24, ... Google Microsoft
 | MMRESULT PrepareHeader(LPWAVEHDR pwh) It prepares a waveform-audio data block for playback Google Microsoft
 | MMRESULT PrepareHeader(Mm::WaveBuffer& waveBuffer) It prepares a waveform-audio data block for playback Google Microsoft
 | MMRESULT Reset() It stops playback on the given waveform-audio output device and resets the current position to zero. All pending playback buffers are marked as done (WHDR_DONE) and returned to the application. Google Microsoft
 | MMRESULT SetVolume(DWORD dwVolume) It sets the volume level of the specified waveform-audio output device. Google Microsoft
 | MMRESULT UnprepareHeader(LPWAVEHDR pwh) It cleans up the preparation performed by the waveOutPrepareHeader function. This function must be called after the device driver is finished with a data block. You must call this function before freeing the buffer. Google Microsoft
 | MMRESULT Write(LPWAVEHDR pwh) It sends a data block to the given waveform-audio output device. Google Microsoft
 | MMRESULT Write(Mm::WaveBuffer& wb) It sends a data block to the given waveform-audio output device. Google Microsoft
 | WaveOut(void) |
 | bool GetDevCap(WAVEOUTCAPS& out_waveOutCaps) It retrieves the capabilities of a given waveform-audio output device Google Microsoft
 | bool IsOpen() |
 | const wchar_t* GetErrorDescr(MMRESULT mmresult) |
 | virtual ~ WaveOut(void) |
 | void ClearHandle() |